Inpatient Rehab vs. Partial Care: Which One is Right For Me?

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Medically Verified: February 27, 2024

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Inpatient Rehab vs. Partial Care

Inpatient Rehab vs. Partial Care: Which One is Right For Me?

Many people in the United States live with a substance use disorder (SUD). Substance abuse and addiction can cause significant damage to every part of your life. It can harm your body, mind, relationships, and more. 

People living with a substance use disorder often require comprehensive treatment and continuing support. Treatment and support allow people with SUD to regain control over their health and learn how to avoid relapse.

People have different needs during treatment and recovery. Addiction treatment is available in several levels of care to meet people’s different requirements. Inpatient and outpatient rehab programs are two main levels of treatment. A partial care program–also known as a partial hospitalization program (PHP) or day treatment–offers intensive outpatient treatment. 

How can you determine whether inpatient rehab vs. partial hospitalization programs are right for you? This article will outline what to expect in both types of treatment. You will also learn about the benefits of both types of care and how to find treatment.

Contact the team at The Living Room now to explore your treatment options. You may also verify your insurance, ask questions, or schedule an intake assessment. 

Inpatient Rehab: An Overview

Inpatient drug rehab takes place in a secure treatment facility. Patients live in the treatment center while receiving high-quality treatment. 

Inpatient rehab may benefit people with severe addictions or co-occurring mental health conditions. People in inpatient programs benefit from having round-the-clock supervision. They also have access to mental health and medical care at all times. 

People in an inpatient rehab program follow an individualized treatment plan. Treatment plans include:

  • Medically-supported detox services (medications to manage withdrawal symptoms, emotional support, supervision, medical care)
  • Individual counseling
  • Behavioral therapy, including cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Relapse prevention education
  • Medications and medical care
  • Mental health treatment
  • Nutrition support, exercise, art therapy, and other holistic care
  • Aftercare planning

People in a residential treatment program may remain in the treatment facility until they are stable. Then, they may move into an outpatient level of care, including a partial program or intensive outpatient program (IOP).

The Benefits of Inpatient Rehab

Inpatient rehab programs can help people manage detox and the earliest days of recovery without relapsing. Some of the other benefits of inpatient rehab include:

  • 24/7 access to treatment and support
  • Distance from triggers
  • A safe, secure environment
  • The ability to focus solely on recovery
  • A community of staff and peers

People in inpatient rehab often have adequate time to have a safe detox and stabilization before continuing in an outpatient program.

Partial Care Programs: An Overview

Partial care programs provide intensive addiction treatment services. People in a partial program live at home but attend treatment sessions every weekday. 

Each week, partial care participants spend up to 30 hours engaging in treatment activities that include:

  • Individual and group therapy sessions
  • Medical assessments
  • Screenings
  • Mental health treatment
  • Family therapy
  • Relapse prevention education
  • Mindfulness, exercise, art and music therapy, and other holistic therapies

Partial care programs are often ideal for people who require consistent support from mental health and medical professionals but do not require inpatient admission. 

Partial care programs provide intensive treatment. People may participate in partial care as part of the recovery process after inpatient rehab. 

The Benefits of Partial Care Programs

Partial care programs provide intensive support while allowing people to remain close to their families and other support systems. Other benefits of partial care programs include:

  • Greater flexibility 
  • Time to spend with family and engaging in hobbies
  • The ability to practice relapse prevention skills in the real world
  • Consistent support
  • Medical and mental health treatment

People in partial care programs can receive tailored treatment that allows them to avoid relapse. This can be very valuable, especially early in recovery. 

Inpatient Rehab vs. Partial Care: Which is the Right One For Me?

Before starting treatment, you will undergo an assessment to determine which level of care is right for you. A doctor or addiction specialist will gather information, including:

  • Your current substance use: what substances you use, how much, etc.
  • A medical and mental health history
  • Family history of substance abuse or addiction
  • Physical exam
  • Lab testing

Then, your treatment team will recommend inpatient or outpatient care. 

Generally, inpatient admission may benefit people early in the recovery process. It is often the best choice for:

  • People with long-lasting or severe addictions
  • People who need 24/7 supervision and monitoring during detoxification
  • People who do not have a safe living environment
  • People with significant mental health or medical needs
  • People who have a higher risk of relapse

A partial care program may be more beneficial for those requiring intensive treatment but do not require inpatient care. These include:

  • People who are medically stable
  • People who do not have consistent or intense cravings
  • People who have adequate support in the community
  • People who require intensive treatment to avoid relapse

Find The Right Treatment Program for You

Our dedicated team of medical and addiction specialists at The Living Room is committed to guiding you toward the most suitable level of care and personalized course of treatment. Contact the treatment team at The Living Room to learn more about our holistic treatment programs.

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More than anybody, we understand that reaching out for help can be difficult. If you have any questions about our programs, services or the recovery process itself; please connect with us now. We are here to provide guidance and support… every step of the way.


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