6 Signs of Cocaine Addiction

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Medically Verified: April 9, 2024

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6 Signs of Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine is a powerful stimulant drug that can lead to addiction after only a few uses. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), 5.2 million people in the United States reported abusing cocaine in 2021.

When you abuse cocaine, it causes a rush of energy and euphoria. The high associated with cocaine can be incredibly addictive. Unfortunately, cocaine addiction puts you at risk of several long-term health complications, including life-threatening overdoses. 

If you or a loved one abuse cocaine, you might be wondering what the signs of addiction are. Cocaine addiction causes you to experience mood swings, undergo physical changes, have an increase in mental health issues, experience financial trouble, and more. 

The Top 6 Cocaine Addiction Symptoms 

Cocaine causes a high that is similar to other stimulant drugs like meth or Adderall. While there is a prescription version of cocaine, it is seldom used. If you are abusing cocaine, it is most likely created in illegal drug labs. 

Even short-term use of cocaine can lead to an addiction. Knowing the main signs and symptoms of cocaine use disorder can be the motivation you need to attend addiction treatment. 

The 6 signs of crack cocaine addiction include:

1. Mood Swings 

When you are high on cocaine, you might feel chatty, and social, and experience increased self-confidence. However, when the drug starts to wear off, it is common to deal with severe mood changes. You might become fatigued, irritable, or even hostile. 

If you or a loved one begins to display signs of mood swings, it could be due to a cocaine addiction

2. Physical Health Issues

Another sign of cocaine addiction is experiencing physical health issues. 

First, if you are a cocaine user, you might not have much of an appetite. Stimulant drugs tend to make you feel like you do not need to eat. As a result, you might experience rapid weight loss and even malnutrition. 

Other health issues associated with cocaine addiction include:

  • Nosebleeds and chronic inflammation of the nose from snorting cocaine
  • Increased blood pressure and chest pain
  • Damage to the heart and lungs
  • Strokes, heart attacks, and seizures
  • Gastrointestinal issues like stomach ulcers
  • Psychosis 
  • Anxiety and paranoia
  • Depression 
  • Hallucinations 
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Life-threatening overdoses

Since cocaine is a stimulant, it causes increased energy. However, stimulant drugs also lead to significant cardiovascular effects like chest pain and heart attacks. If you abuse cocaine and experience new or worsening health issues, you are probably suffering from an addiction. 

3. Increased Mental Health Issues  

You might begin abusing cocaine to help with mental health issues like depression or chronic fatigue. It is also common to begin using cocaine to cope with social anxiety. Unfortunately, abusing cocaine will only lead to increased mental health issues in the future. 

Cocaine addiction often leads to anxiety, paranoia, and even substance-induced psychosis. If you experience symptoms like delusions, hallucinations, or a disconnection from reality, it’s time to seek help for your substance use disorder. 

4. Financial Issues

Repeated cocaine abuse can quickly become expensive. Unlike other stimulant drugs like meth, cocaine tends to be costly. Additionally, the high is short-lived, which means you are probably abusing large amounts each day. 

Over time, the amount of money you are spending on cocaine will add up. You might begin to experience financial issues as a direct result of your substance abuse. If your cocaine use is causing money problems, you are most likely dealing with an addiction. 

5. Social Changes 

If you are addicted to cocaine, you might experience a few different social changes. First, you might join a completely new friend group. When your old friends are not abusing cocaine, it is more likely that you will begin hanging out with a new crowd that has no problem with using the drug. 

Additionally, one of the most common addiction signs to look out for is social isolation. Instead of joining a new friend group, you might just stop hanging out with your family members and close friends. This is usually due to feeling guilt or shame related to your cocaine abuse. 

If you experience changes in your social life as a result of your cocaine use, you are most likely dealing with a substance use disorder.

6. Experiencing Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms 

The easiest way to tell if you are suffering from cocaine addiction is by paying attention to withdrawal symptoms. If you begin noticing symptoms of withdrawal once you stop consuming cocaine, that is a clear sign that you need professional help. 

The common symptoms of cocaine withdrawal include:

  • Fatigue
  • Irritability and restlessness
  • Increased appetite 
  • Agitation or paranoia
  • Cravings for cocaine 
  • Vivid dreams or nightmares
  • Depression and suicidal thoughts 

While cocaine withdrawal can be difficult to overcome, a medical detox center can help you regain control over your life. These programs will offer you medications to lessen your symptoms and help you get back on your feet. 

Finding Help for Cocaine Abuse and Addiction 

There are several risk factors for cocaine addiction, including early exposure to cocaine, a family history of substance abuse, or untreated trauma. No matter the reason you develop a cocaine addiction, The Living Room at Princeton is here to help. We can offer the tools and support you need to achieve long-term sobriety from cocaine. 
Contact us today to learn more about our cocaine rehab program.

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