Mental Health Treatment for Teens in Princeton, NJ

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Mental Health Treatment for Teens in Princeton, NJ

Mental Health Treatment for Teens in Princeton, NJ

Adolescents, teens, and young adults face unique pressures and challenges as they navigate these developmental stages. Mental health challenges, including depression, anxiety, trauma, and substance use disorder (SUD), are common during these age groups. Teens facing mental health challenges must receive tailored, comprehensive treatment to address them.

This article will explore mental health treatment programs for teens. You will learn:

  • What happens in teen mental health treatment programs
  • How to tell if your teen needs mental health treatment
  • The benefits of teen mental health treatment programs
  • Where to find teen mental health treatment in Princeton, New Jersey

If you or a teen in your life needs mental health treatment, you are not alone. Find comprehensive treatment and support at The Living Room. Contact our intake specialists to learn more about our treatment programs or to schedule an intake appointment. 

What to Expect From Teen Mental Health Treatment Programs

Every person has different needs during treatment for mental and behavioral health conditions. There are many types of treatment and several levels of care available to meet the varying needs of each person. 

There are inpatient and intensive outpatient treatment programs that can support a teen’s mental health recovery. Teen mental health care programs provide valuable structure and treatment for teens with mental health conditions. Each teen receives tailored, holistic care consisting of evidence-based therapies. 

Typical mental health treatment programs include:

  • Individual behavior therapy sessions
  • Family therapy sessions
  • Group therapy or support groups
  • Life skills training
  • Education
  • Coping strategies
  • Nutrition support, exercise, nature therapy, mindfulness, and more
  • Aftercare planning
  • Therapies to address substance use disorder (SUD) when appropriate

Teens who participate in outpatient mental health and addiction treatment may be able to continue to go to school, engage in hobbies, and work. Those attending inpatient treatment will need to take a leave of absence from school or work to receive the care they need.  

Does My Teen Need Mental Health Treatment?

Teens experiencing mental health disorders can benefit from comprehensive treatment plans. Recognizing the signs of a mental health condition can help adults find the help their child needs.

Here are some signs of mental health issues in teens:

  • Significant changes in sleep, appetite, behaviors, or appearance
  • New or worsening mood swings, irritability, anger or aggression, or other substantial changes in mood or affect
  • Falling behind at school, skipping classes, missing work, or neglecting other responsibilities
  • Social changes, including increased isolation, preferring to spend time alone, or suddenly having a new group of friends
  • A traumatic experience, such as the death of a loved one, change in health status, new or worsening health, a natural disaster, school violence, etc.
  • Substance abuse–drinking, using drugs, smoking or vaping, etc. 
  • Exhibiting symptoms of depression, such as hopelessness, low energy, low self-esteem, changes in sleep patterns, loss of interest in hobbies, etc. 
  • Exhibiting symptoms of anxiety, like overthinking, focus and memory problems, digestive issues without a clear physical cause, etc. 
  • Self-harm, including cutting or burning parts of the body
  • Disordered eating, including binging and purging, restricting food intake, exercising excessively, etc. 
  • Losing interest in hobbies, relationships, work, school, or other things they used to enjoy

Teen mental health programs in Princeton can help teens understand and treat a wide range of mental health challenges and symptoms. Seek treatment as soon as you recognize these and other signs of mental health problems. 

The Benefits of Teen Mental Health Programs

Mental health treatment is essential for anyone experiencing new or worsening mental health symptoms. Treatment programs can help people understand their conditions and learn how to manage their symptoms.

Teen mental health treatment programs provide tailored care for people in this specific life stage. Mental health experts create individualized treatment programs using evidence-based and holistic therapies to address teens’ concerns and unique needs. 

Here are some of the benefits of teen mental health programs. 

Comprehensive treatment plans

Mental health conditions can be complex and require comprehensive care. Teen mental health programs provide support for a teen’s body, mind, family, and more as they navigate a new mental health challenge. Treatment plans for adolescents and teens include therapy, coping skills, medical assessments, family support, and more. 

Personalized care

Teens have unique challenges and concerns as they navigate a mental health challenge. Mental health and medical experts provide customized treatment for each teen, allowing them to receive the treatments and support they need at each stage of their journey. 

Community support

Teen mental health treatment programs focus on creating a supportive community of peers and professionals. Teens learn that they are not alone and make connections with others while navigating a mental health challenge. 

Family engagement

Teenagers are more likely to thrive in supportive environments. Teen mental health treatment programs focus on educating and supporting entire family systems. Better family functioning and involvement can lead to better outcomes for all. 

Find Teen Mental Health Treatment in Princeton

If you or a teen in your life requires mental health treatment, you can find the compassionate support you need at The Living Room at Princeton. Contact our intake team to learn about our comprehensive mental health and addiction treatment programs or to schedule an intake appointment.

Start a Conversation

More than anybody, we understand that reaching out for help can be difficult. If you have any questions about our programs, services or the recovery process itself; please connect with us now. We are here to provide guidance and support… every step of the way.


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