60-Day Drug Rehab in Princeton, NJ

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Medically Verified: January 18, 2025

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60-Day Drug Rehab in Princeton, NJ

60-Day Drug Rehab in Princeton, NJ

Substance use disorder (SUD) is a complex condition that affects every aspect of a person’s life. People with SUD need comprehensive treatment and ongoing support to overcome this condition and move forward.

There are several types and levels of addiction treatment. People may attend inpatient or outpatient treatment programs to address the roots of addiction. The amount of time someone spends in treatment depends on several factors, including their health, the severity of their addiction, co-occurring disorders, and more.

This article will explore 60-day rehab programs. You will learn:

  • What to expect during a 60-day rehab program
  • The benefits of 60-day rehab programs
  • How to determine which level of care is right for your needs
  • Where to find rehab programs in New Jersey

If you or a loved one lives with drug or alcohol addiction, you are not alone. Find effective, compassionate treatment at The Living Room. Learn about our holistic approach to SUD treatment and addiction recovery, or schedule an intake appointment by contacting us now. 

What is a 60-Day Rehab?

Addiction recovery is not a one-size-fits-all process. Many different types of rehabilitation programs can meet people’s unique needs. 

There are several levels of addiction treatment, including:

Many addiction rehab programs last 30, 60, or 90 days. Sixty-day drug and alcohol rehab programs offer intensive support for people with SUD. These programs typically occur in residential rehab facilities. 

Addiction treatment plans may consist of:

  • Medical detox programs
  • Behavioral therapies
  • Mental health treatment
  • Medical care
  • Relapse prevention education
  • Individual, group, and family therapy
  • Holistic therapies like mindfulness, creative therapies, exercise, and nutrition support
  • Aftercare planning 

Sixty-day rehab centers offer intensive support to people living with addiction. This level of care provides comprehensive treatment that can support each person’s long-term recovery journey. 

What Happens in a 60-Day Rehab in New Jersey

Sixty-day addiction treatment programs provide intensive care and support. They typically occur in rehabilitation centers. People live in the treatment center while receiving treatment. This allows the highest level of supervision and support during the early stages of recovery. 

Here is an overview of what you may expect in a 60-day rehab program. 


Before starting treatment, medical and mental health professionals will conduct an assessment. This assessment might include:

  • Questions about your past and current substance use
  • A family history of substance use disorder
  • A complete mental health and medical history
  • A physical examination
  • Lab testing

This assessment will ensure you receive the most effective treatment options throughout your recovery. 


Many treatment programs start with a medically-supported detox program. During detox, your treatment team will assess and treat your withdrawal symptoms. 

Detox treatment programs may consist of:

  • Medications to reduce withdrawal symptoms and ensure safety
  • Emotional support, including individual counseling and support groups
  • 24/7 supervision and access to treatment
  • A supportive, secure environment

The support of a detox program can help you safely detox and prepare for comprehensive treatment. 


Once detox is complete, you will begin your comprehensive treatment program. Your treatment plan may include:

  • Screenings and assessments
  • Behavioral therapies
  • Medical care and medications
  • Individual, group, and family therapy
  • Relapse prevention education 
  • Coping skills
  • Nutrition support, nature therapy, mindfulness, and other holistic therapies

Most people remain inpatient for 60 days or more before transitioning into an outpatient program. However, your treatment team will assess your progress in recovery and adjust your treatment plan as needed. 

Benefits of a 60-Day Rehab

Research shows that people who participate in longer treatment programs have the best outcomes. A 60-day rehab program may be the best level of care for people who need intensive support during detox and stabilization. This level of care can also give people a strong foundation of skills and support that supports addiction recovery. 

Some of the most significant benefits of a 60-day rehab include:

  • A supportive community of staff and peers
  • A focus on aftercare, including referrals to sober living and other treatment programs
  • Family involvement, including education and counseling, when appropriate
  • 60 days to focus solely on recovery 
  • Comprehensive, holistic treatment to address the physical, psychological, and behavioral aspects of addiction
  • A safe, stable, secure environment
  • Round-the-clock support and access to treatment

In many cases, 60-day rehabs may have lower treatment costs than 90-day or longer programs. However, you must verify the details of your specific plan before starting treatment to avoid unexpected out-of-pocket expenses. 

Contact the intake team at The Living Room to determine which level of care is best for your needs. 

Find a 60-Day Rehab in Princeton

If you or someone you love struggles with substance abuse or addiction, you are not alone. Contact the specialists at The Living Room to learn about our treatment and recovery support programs or to schedule an intake appointment.

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More than anybody, we understand that reaching out for help can be difficult. If you have any questions about our programs, services or the recovery process itself; please connect with us now. We are here to provide guidance and support… every step of the way.


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