Adderall is the brand name for a prescription medication that contains amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. Doctors prescribe it to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It works by reducing impulsivity and improving focus.
While Adderall helps manage ADHD, it is considered a central nervous system stimulant. If you do not have ADHD, taking it will cause psychoactive effects like increased energy and a rush of euphoria. Long-term misuse of Adderall will result in addiction.
Studies have found that approximately 20% of young adults and college students abuse prescription stimulants like Adderall.
Once you’ve been abusing Adderall for some time, you will develop a tolerance. This might tempt you to begin using the drug in other ways, such as snorting it. Unfortunately, snorting Adderall poses many physical and mental health concerns.
Some of the dangers of snorting Adderall include nasal damage, respiratory issues, and life-threatening overdoses. If you or a loved one snort Adderall, it’s time to seek professional addiction treatment.
Can You Snort Adderall?
While Adderall is intended to be swallowed as a capsule, it is possible to snort it. You might be snorting Adderall in an attempt to experience a more potent high. Sadly, doing so can be incredibly dangerous.
Most Adderall pills are extended-release. This means they are coated with an enteric barrier that prevents your stomach acids from absorbing the drug too quickly. When you crush up the pill to snort it, you remove the barrier, putting you at risk of absorbing the drug too quickly and experiencing adverse effects.
The side effects of snorting Adderall may include:
- A rush of euphoriaÂ
- Increased energyÂ
- Heightened alertnessÂ
- Fast heart rateÂ
- Rapid breathingÂ
- Increased blood pressure and body temperatureÂ
- Reduced appetite and weight lossÂ
- Mood swingsÂ
- Insomnia
- Nausea and vomitingÂ
- Upset stomach
- Dry mouth
- Increased risk of heart attack and overdoseÂ
Adderall is a Schedule II drug, which means it is highly addictive despite its medical uses. Abusing Adderall will cause you to develop a substance use disorder. Treatment for Adderall addiction can help you regain control over your life.
What are the Dangers of Snorting Adderall?
While you might attempt to snort Adderall to experience a more potent effect, doing so can put you at risk of several health complications.
The dangers of snorting Adderall include:
The first risk of snorting Adderall is developing an addiction. Snorting Adderall produces faster and stronger effects. As a result, it is easier to develop an addiction to the effects it causes.
Some of the signs of Adderall addiction include:
- Running out of Adderall prescriptions too earlyÂ
- Going to multiple doctors to receive more than one prescription for Adderall
- Stealing Adderall from friends and family membersÂ
- Having a hard time controlling how much Adderall you useÂ
- Wanting to quit using Adderall but being unsuccessfulÂ
- Losing interest in previously enjoyed activities to abuse more Adderall
- Experiencing strong urges or cravings to use Adderall
- Needing to increase your dose to experience the desired effect
- Dealing with withdrawal symptoms when you stop using AdderallÂ
Nasal Issues
Snorting Adderall will cause damage to your nose and nasal passages. Insufflation (snorting) irritates your nasal lining, you might experience frequent nosebleeds, dry or flaky skin, and soreness in your nose.
If you snort Adderall long-term, the damage to your nose can be even more severe. Over time, your septum might deteriorate to the point that there is a hole. This is known as septal perforation.
You could also develop chronic sinusitis when you snort Adderall frequently. This condition causes symptoms like tenderness, pain, facial swelling, congestion, an inability to smell, and more.
Respiratory and Cardiovascular Risks
Snorting Adderall can lead to respiratory issues that trigger cardiovascular issues.
Snorting Adderall makes it difficult for your body to oxygenate your blood. As a result, you become unable to breathe correctly, which puts a strain on your cardiovascular system. In severe cases, people can experience heart failure as a result of Adderall insufflation.
Brain Damage
Since Adderall is a central nervous system stimulant, snorting it can cause damage to your brain. The risk of brain damage increases when you snort Adderall, as it travels directly to your brain through your bloodstream.
Other effects that snorting Adderall can have on your brain include:
- Increased risk of psychosisÂ
- Hallucinations
- Seizures and strokes
- ComaÂ
Lastly, snorting Adderall puts you at a significant risk of overdosing. This is especially the case if you are snorting large doses of the drug.
The signs of an Adderall overdose include:
- Aggression or violent behavior
- Anxiety and paranoiaÂ
- Blurred vision and disorientationÂ
- Delusions and hallucinations
- Increased heart rate and rapid breathingÂ
- Shaking or tremorsÂ
- Muscle weaknessÂ
- Dark red or brown urineÂ
- Fainting and loss of consciousness
- SeizuresÂ
- DeathÂ
Find Help for Adderall Abuse and Addiction
If you are abusing a prescription drug like Adderall, it’s time to seek help. Adderall addiction can be difficult to overcome without a combination of medical detox and evidence-based therapies.
At The Living Room, our facility offers specialized stimulant addiction treatment programs tailored to assist individuals in overcoming the challenges of stimulant addiction. Our compassionate and knowledgeable team is dedicated to providing the support and tools needed for a successful recovery journey.
Contact us today to learn more about our Adderall addiction treatment center.