What is Xanax Addiction Treatment Like in New Jersey?

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Medically Verified: July 23, 2024

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What is Xanax Addiction Treatment Like in New Jersey

What is Xanax Addiction Treatment Like in New Jersey?

Xanax is a commonly prescribed, addictive prescription drug. People may take prescription Xanax to manage symptoms of anxiety, sleep, or panic disorder.[1] Some people use it recreationally (without a prescription).

People who misuse Xanax may become physically dependent or addicted to it. It is important to understand the potential for Xanax addiction and seek treatment if you recognize misuse or dependence. 

This article will explore what happens in a Xanax addiction treatment program in New Jersey. You will learn:

  • How people become addicted to Xanax
  • What happens during Xanax detox and treatment programs
  • How to recognize the signs of substance use disorder (SUD)
  • Where to find comprehensive addiction treatment and support

Reach out to the specialists at The Living Room to learn more about our treatment center and supportive programs. 

What is Xanax?

Xanax is a prescription benzodiazepine drug. Doctors prescribe Xanax to help people manage the symptoms of panic, sleep, and anxiety disorders. 

Xanax works by increasing the activity of a brain chemical called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). GABA calms central nervous system (CNS) activity and can reduce anxiety symptoms.[1,2] 

People may misuse Xanax by:

  • Taking larger doses of Xanax or taking it more often than prescribed
  • Taking Xanax without a prescription
  • Using Xanax longer than prescribed
  • Taking Xanax without a prescription

Misusing Xanax can lead to tolerance, dependence, and addiction. You must find treatment if you show signs of Xanax addiction, including:[2]

  • Using Xanax recreationally
  • Misusing Xanax in another way
  • Doctor-shopping for Xanax (having prescriptions with multiple doctors)
  • Feeling anxious about running out of Xanax
  • Craving Xanax
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms if you stop taking it
  • Doing dangerous or uncharacteristic things while taking Xanax, like driving while intoxicated, doing illegal things, or having unprotected sex
  • Feeling like you want to stop taking Xanax but finding that it’s impossible to stop

Xanax addiction is a complex condition requiring compassionate, comprehensive treatment. Seek treatment as soon as possible to avoid serious, life-threatening complications. 

What to Expect in Xanax Addiction Treatment in New Jersey

Recovering from Xanax addiction requires comprehensive treatment and relapse prevention programs. Treatment at a Xanax rehab center occurs in stages. Here is an overview of what to expect.


Before you begin treatment, medical and mental health experts will assess your needs. Your assessment may include:

  • Questions about your past and current substance use
  • A history of medical and co-occurring disorders
  • A family history of substance abuse and addiction
  • Lab testing
  • A physical examination

This information will help your team provide the most effective treatment possible. 


When people with benzodiazepine addiction stop taking these drugs, they typically experience Xanax withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal from Xanax may cause:[3]

  • Aggression
  • Anxiety
  • Blurred vision
  • Breathing trouble
  • Dizziness
  • Insomnia
  • Muscle aches
  • Nausea
  • Panic attacks
  • Paranoia
  • Seizures
  • Sensitivity to light and sound
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Tremors

In some cases, Xanax withdrawal symptoms can be dangerous or life-threatening. It is crucial to have medical supervision during detox to limit the risk of severe complications, relapse, or death.

You may participate in an inpatient or outpatient detox program. Many people begin recovery in an inpatient program before transitioning into outpatient treatment. 

During an inpatient detox program, medical and mental health professionals will monitor your withdrawal symptoms. They will provide treatment that includes:

  • A safe, secure treatment facility
  • Medications to manage withdrawal symptoms
  • Emotional support, including individual therapy and support groups
  • Round-the-clock access to support and treatment
  • Mindfulness, nutrition support, exercise, and other holistic therapies

The intensive care of a residential detox program can prevent relapse and support long-term recovery. 


After a safe, complete detox, you may begin a comprehensive addiction treatment program. You may participate in residential treatment or an outpatient rehab program.

Your program will consist of evidence-based and holistic therapies that support whole-person recovery. Your plan may include:

  • Medications to manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and other behavioral therapies
  • Individual therapy sessions
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Relapse prevention education
  • Coping skills
  • Art therapy, yoga, mindfulness, nutrition counseling, and other holistic therapies
  • Aftercare planning and support

You may work with a medical professional to find alternative ways of managing an anxiety or panic disorder. Your treatment team will re-assess your needs throughout rehab and adjust your plan to meet new or changing needs. 


Addiction is not a final destination. Instead, it is a lifelong journey that requires ongoing treatment and support. During rehab in New Jersey, you will work with your treatment team to develop an aftercare plan that supports long-term recovery. 

Your aftercare plan may consist of:

  • 12-step meetings or other forms of group support
  • Regular mental health and medical care
  • Individual therapy
  • Alumni group activities
  • Sober living communities

People have different needs during treatment and recovery. Your treatment team will assess your needs and create effective treatment plans to meet your unique needs. Tailored, specialized treatment programs and ongoing support can lead to long-lasting recovery.

Find Xanax Addiction Treatment in New Jersey

If you or someone you love struggles with Xanax abuse or addiction, you are not alone. You will find supportive, comprehensive treatment at The Living Room at Princeton. Contact our intake specialists to learn about our programs, verify your insurance, or schedule an intake appointment. 


  1. National Institute of Health (NIH): Alprazolam
  2. National Institute of Health (NIH): A Review of Alprazolam Use, Misuse, and Withdrawal
  3. Sage Journals: Experiences with benzodiazepine use, tapering, and discontinuation: an Internet survey

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