Where to Find a Prescription Drug Detox in New Jersey

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Medically Verified: July 17, 2024

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Where to Find a Prescription Drug Detox in New Jersey

Where to Find a Prescription Drug Detox in New Jersey

Millions of people in the United States take prescription drugs to treat a medical or mental health condition. Some common prescription drugs have the potential for misuse and addiction. It is important to recognize the risk of prescription drug abuse and seek treatment as soon as you recognize a problem. 

Prescription drug abuse is a severe problem in this country. Research from 2021 revealed that over 14 million people aged 12 and older had abused a prescription drug during the previous year.[1] 

Prescription drug abuse can lead to a life-threatening addiction. People who abuse prescription drugs are at risk of overdose and other serious complications. Those who abuse prescription medications or are addicted to them require comprehensive treatment and support. 

This article will explore prescription drug detox programs. You will learn:

  • How people become addicted to prescription drugs
  • Common withdrawal symptoms
  • What happens in a prescription drug detox program
  • Where to find a detox program and support

You don’t have to manage prescription drug addiction alone. Reach out to the specialists at The Living Room to find a prescription drug detox center near you.

Prescription Drug Addiction: Understanding the Cause

Many people take prescription drugs to treat conditions or manage symptoms of medical and mental health disorders. Many people believe that prescription drugs are harmless because doctors prescribe them.

However, some commonly prescribed medications have the potential for misuse and addiction. In some cases, people may like the side effects of certain medications and want to take more. In others, ongoing use can result in physical dependence. 

Some examples of prescription drug misuse include:[2,3]

  • Taking larger doses of a medication or taking it more often
  • Using a prescription drug for a longer period than prescribed
  • Ingesting a prescription drug differently than advised, such as crushing tablets and snorting them
  • Taking a prescription drug recreationally (without a prescription)

People may develop physical dependence after misusing medication. It is important to recognize the signs of prescription drug abuse and seek treatment right away. 

Some of the most commonly abused prescription medications include:

  • Opioids (potent prescription painkillers including Morphine, Fentanyl, Codeine, OxyContin, and Vicodin)
  • Benzodiazepines (including Xanax, Valium, and Ativan)
  • Stimulants (including Adderall, Concerta, ProCentra, Dexedrine, Dextrostat, and Methylin)
  • Barbiturates (including Amytak, Nembutal, Seconal, and Luminal)

Millions of people struggle with prescription drug abuse and addiction. People who develop dependence or addiction require comprehensive support and treatment. 

Prescription drug rehab programs typically include inpatient treatment options and outpatient programs. In many cases, people with prescription drug addiction require a medical detox program as the first step toward long-term recovery. 

Recognizing the Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse

People with no prior history of substance use disorder (SUD) may become addicted to prescription drugs. Like drug and alcohol abuse, prescription drug abuse changes how the brain works. These changes can make it nearly impossible for a person to stop using a drug without intensive treatment.

Prescription drug abuse can change a person’s appearance, behaviors, and feelings. Noticing the signs of prescription drug abuse can help you seek treatment quickly. 

Some signs of prescription drug abuse include:

  • Finishing prescriptions early
  • Poor judgment
  • Becoming secretive, lying, or covering up drug use
  • Doctor shopping (seeking prescriptions for a drug from multiple doctors)
  • Taking more of a drug than prescribed
  • New legal or financial problems
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Aggression
  • Paranoia
  • Slurred speech
  • Poor coordination
  • Appetite or weight changes
  • Mood swings
  • Headache
  • Blood pressure changes
  • Nausea and vomiting

People who abuse prescription drugs may exhibit significant changes in personality and behavior. Noticing these signs can help you find the right support and treatment to address this problem.

What Happens in a Prescription Drug Detox Program?

People have different needs throughout the detox and treatment process. There are several levels of care in addiction treatment. Many people receive inpatient care during detox. After stabilization, people may transition into an outpatient treatment program. 

During detox, you may receive round-the-clock medical supervision and treatment while living in the rehab center. Here is an overview of what to expect during a detox program.


Before you begin a detox program, your treatment team will assess your needs. This assessment may consist of:

  • Questions about your past and current substance use
  • A mental health and medical history
  • A family history of substance abuse
  • A history of drug withdrawal or previous addiction treatment
  • Lab testing
  • A physical exam

This information will help your team identify mental health or medical issues that may require care during detox. It will help them create an effective treatment plan for your unique needs. 


Your comprehensive detox program will provide evidence-based care to help you safely detox from prescription drugs. Your treatment plan may include:[4]

  • Round-the-clock supervision, support, and access to treatment
  • Screenings and assessments
  • Medications to manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings
  • Mental health treatment and support, including individual and group therapy when appropriate
  • Nutrition support, mindfulness, exercise, and other holistic therapies
  • A supportive, secure environment

Detoxification can be challenging, but the intensive support of a medical detox program can keep you safe and comfortable throughout the process. 

Detox is a critical first step in long-term recovery. After detox, you must continue treatment. In a comprehensive treatment program, you will learn about addiction and develop coping skills that will help you prevent relapse

Find a Prescription Drug Detox in New Jersey

If you or someone you love struggles with prescription drug abuse or addiction, you are not alone. Contact The Living Room specialists to explore our comprehensive detox and treatment programs or to schedule an intake appointment. 


  1. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA): What is the scope of prescription drug misuse in the United States?
  2. NIDA: Misuse of Prescription Drugs Research Report
  3. National Institute of Health (NIH): Prescription Drug Misuse: Taking a Lifespan Perspective
  4. NIH: Pharmacological strategies for detoxification

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