Heroin is a highly addictive and illicit opioid drug. People who misuse heroin report becoming addicted after only one or two uses. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), about 1.1 million people reported abusing heroin in 2021.
Individuals who use heroin are doing so to experience a euphoric and drowsy high. Oftentimes, people who are under the influence of heroin fall asleep randomly, which is known as “nodding off”.
Unfortunately, heroin abuse poses a high risk of experiencing life-threatening overdoses and respiratory depression. NIDA reports that heroin was responsible for 9,173 overdose deaths in 2021.
The exact length of time heroin remains in your body varies depending on a host of factors. However, it usually leaves your system within two hours.
At Living Room New Jersey, we can help you overcome heroin addiction. Contact us today for more information on how our treatment center works.
How Long Do the Effects of Heroin Last?
The effects of heroin occur in two stages: an initial rush of euphoria and a longer period of drowsiness or sedation. This happens because of the way heroin is broken down in your body. As your system converts heroin into morphine, the rush of euphoria subsides and you are left feeling a drowsy high.
The side effects of heroin include:
- A rush of euphoria
- Warm flushing of the skin
- Nausea and vomiting
- A heavy feeling of arms and legs
- Dry mouth
- Itchiness
- Drowsiness or relaxation
- Clouded mental functioning
- Slowed breathing and heart rate
The amount of time that the effects of heroin last will depend on how it is used (i.e., smoking, snorting, or injecting).
Injecting heroin causes the effects to begin within 20 seconds. Smoking or snorting heroin causes it to take up to 10 minutes for effects to begin. The effects might last between 4 to 5 hours whether you inject, smoke, or snort heroin.
What is the Half-Life of Heroin?
A drug’s half-life describes how long it takes your system to eliminate half of the substance. It can take between 4 to 5 half-lives for your body to eliminate a drug. Understanding how long heroin stays in your system involves knowing its half-life.
The half-life of heroin ranges from 7 to 21 minutes. This means it can take up to two hours for your body to rid itself of heroin.
It is important to note that certain personal factors can affect how long heroin stays in your system. Some of these factors include:
- Frequency and duration of use
- Method of administration
- The speed of your metabolism
- Age, biological sex, and body fat percentage
- Overall health
- The functioning of your liver and kidneys
- Nutrition and hydration levels
- Whether you have abused other substances
Due to these factors, it can be difficult to estimate exactly how long heroin will stay in your system.
Additionally, it is important to note that there is no way to flush heroin out of your system faster. In other words, you should never rely on “detox drinks” to pass a drug test. Instead, abstain from heroin use or seek help from an addiction treatment center.
How Long Can Drug Tests Detect Heroin?
While heroin usually leaves your system within two hours, drug screening can detect it for a longer period. This is because heroin leaves behind metabolites in different areas of your body. The metabolite that drug tests look for to determine if you’ve abused heroin is called 6-monoacetylmorphine.
The amount of time heroin is detectable by a drug test depends on the type of test being used. Urine tests are the most popular.
Urine tests are used most frequently because they are cheap and minimally invasive. If you are taking a drug test for a job or a treatment program, it will most likely be urine. Drug tests can detect heroin in urine for 1 to 4 days after your last dose.
Saliva tests are not commonly used to test for heroin because they are less accurate. This is because the metabolites of heroin do not remain in your saliva for a long period. Law enforcement might use saliva tests to determine if you are under the influence in the field.
That said, saliva tests can detect heroin for a couple of hours.
Blood tests are invasive and more expensive than urine tests, which make them less common. However, doctors might use them in emergency settings to determine if heroin is causing your symptoms. These tests can find heroin in your system for up to 6 hours after your last dose.
Hair tests offer long-term testing, as they can detect any drug in your system for up to 90 days. However, they are expensive to send off to the lab, making them less common.
Find Help for Heroin Abuse and Addiction
Heroin addiction can be incredibly difficult to beat. When you factor in withdrawal symptoms and strong cravings, it’s understandable why people avoid recovery. That said, heroin addiction treatment programs can help you overcome these common barriers to sobriety.
By using a combination of medical detox, evidence-based therapies, and relapse prevention planning, rehab sets you up for success. Heroin treatment centers will teach you how to deal with everyday life without feeling the need to abuse drugs.
Recovery is hard. Addiction is harder. The Living Room at Princeton is a first-of-its-kind substance use and mental health treatment facility. Well over one hundred years of industry experience, education, and personal recovery inform our clinical approach; however, our truest value stems from millennia of wisdom. The Living Room at Princeton marries elegance, intelligence, and a commitment to authenticity that together create a physical, emotional, and spiritual space for lasting change
Contact us today to learn more about our heroin addiction treatment center and your treatment options.