Where to Get a Substance Abuse Assessment in Princeton, NJ

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Medically Verified: October 31, 2024

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Substance Abuse Assessment in Princeton, NJ

Where to Get a Substance Abuse Assessment in Princeton, NJ

Substance abuse and addiction can negatively impact your life in many ways. Living with drug or alcohol addiction can harm your mental and physical health. It can damage your relationships and affect every other part of your well-being. Alcohol or drug addiction can quickly spiral into a life-threatening condition.

People with addiction typically require substance use disorder (SUD) treatment to overcome this condition. Drug and alcohol abuse treatment typically starts with a substance abuse evaluation.

This article will explore what to expect from drug and alcohol assessments. You will learn:

  • What happens during a drug and alcohol evaluation
  • The goal of getting an assessment
  • The signs you may require an assessment or substance abuse treatment
  • Where to find an assessment or treatment program

If you or someone you love struggles with addiction or mental health conditions, you are not alone. Find an assessment or treatment by contacting the specialists at The Living Room. Learn more about our holistic addiction treatment center or schedule an appointment by reaching out today. 

What is a Substance Abuse Evaluation?

A substance abuse evaluation is a screening that assesses the severity of an addiction. This specialized test allows specialists to identify substance abuse and mental health issues. The results of the screening can guide a person’s treatment team to create an effective, personalized treatment plan. 

A person may undergo a substance abuse assessment before starting a medication-assisted treatment (MAT) plan or another type of treatment. In some cases, a judge or probation officer may require a person to undergo an assessment. 

What is the Goal of a Substance Abuse Evaluation?

The most important goal of a substance abuse evaluation is to identify a person’s needs during detox and treatment. This type of evaluation can give mental health and medical professionals valuable insights about a person’s substance use, mental health conditions, and more. 

A substance abuse assessment may also:

  • Determine the need for co-occurring disorder treatment
  • Verify insurance details
  • Determine the most effective course of treatment and level of care
  • Identify the severity of an addiction
  • Using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) to identify symptoms of addiction or physical dependence

It is critical to undergo a substance abuse eval before starting a treatment program. The information gathered in the assessment can guide professionals to create the most effective treatment plan possible. 

Addiction recovery is not a final destination. Instead, it is a process that requires patience and dedication. As time passes, your treatment team will reassess your needs and change your treatment plan if needed. 

What to Expect During a Substance Abuse Evaluation in New Jersey

A substance abuse assessment is often the first step of an addiction recovery journey. Before you begin treatment, a doctor or addiction specialist will evaluate your needs through a specialized form of screening. 

In most cases, a substance abuse eval will use the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) to assess your addiction. This tool explores the effect of addiction on seven areas of a person’s life, including employment, health, and more. 

A substance abuse evaluation may also include:

  • Questions about past and current substance abuse (how much, what types, how long, how often, etc.)
  • A complete medical history, including any known medical conditions, prescription drugs you take, and other relevant information
  • An assessment of your willingness to change
  • Verification of your insurance coverage and plan details
  • A mental health history, including past hospitalizations, known conditions, prescription drugs, etc. 
  • Questions about your environment, including who you live with, exposure to drugs and alcohol, existing support network, etc.

It is essential to be honest during the assessment. The information you provide will help your treatment team develop the most effective plan to address your substance use disorder. 

Do I Need a Substance Abuse Assessment?

Recognizing substance abuse can sometimes be challenging. However, substance abuse may cause changes that signal the need for help. 

Some common signs of substance use disorder (SUD) include:

  • Needing to drink more or use larger amounts of a drug to get the desired effects
  • Isolating or only spending time with people who abuse drugs or alcohol
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms if you stop using drugs or alcohol
  • Having social, financial, or legal trouble related to your substance use
  • Experiencing cravings for an addictive substance
  • Neglecting your relationships, hygiene, hobbies, or responsibilities because of your substance use
  • Doing risky things while using drugs or alcohol, such as driving while intoxicated or having unprotected sex
  • Continuing to use drugs or alcohol, even when it causes significant harm

If you, a friend, or a family member show signs of substance abuse or addiction, seek treatment right away. Overcoming addiction can be challenging, but having the right support at every stage of recovery can help. 

Find a Substance Abuse Assessment in New Jersey

If you or someone you love needs treatment for substance abuse or addiction, reach out to The Living Room specialists. We can answer your questions, verify insurance, or help schedule an intake appointment. Get started on your recovery journey by contacting our intake team now.

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More than anybody, we understand that reaching out for help can be difficult. If you have any questions about our programs, services or the recovery process itself; please connect with us now. We are here to provide guidance and support… every step of the way.


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